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    Searching for the lost manga - Posted By Misomei Dec 13, 2023

    92 1

    I don't remember much as I just read one chapter The manga is bl and was like the male lead is a prince but isn't favorable by the king , he went to war and won ,so as a gift for his achievement the king order him to marry a male ( can't remember the name or household) , the ml told the man ,even he they are married he couldn't look at him ,after some year the ml power was lost and the king order to kill him and everyone in his house hold , everyone ran away,the wifes ,only the man (mc)remain to his side and even took a hit for him so he promised to repay him in next life like that he travel back to the time of his wedding night with the mc It's a historical manga , i am searching it for last 2 days but can't find it

    Recommendations please!! - Posted By Hutaout Dec 24, 2023

    92 1

    Any bl’s where the top is younger than the bottom? I’m not really picky so I’ll accept anything

    Please - Posted By Noah@Hulk Dec 31, 2023

    92 0

    Uploaders can someone please upload “feel my benefit”

    Search bar? - Posted By Bunny-san Jan 03, 2024

    92 0

    The search bar isn’t working. I don’t know about other people but when I look things up it’s says there is no such manhwa when there are. Like I’d be looking up the most basic name like “Pearl Boy” yet it says they don’t have it when I know they do

    There's no email sent for resetting the password - Posted By secat🐱 Jan 09, 2024

    92 1

    I forgot my password, so i try to get the link ti reset it but there's no new email from vyvy please help vy san, i suddenly got log out when the domain is changed to vymanga.net :(

    Not able to see thumbnail of mangas - Posted By handsomeguyz/romance Jan 12, 2024

    92 0

    All my bookmarked mangas are showing in white,the only thing I can see is the name of the manga

    Why I suddenly logged out - Posted By Cwan Jan 13, 2024

    92 2

    It been happening for a while, I almost have a heart attack because of it.. At this point my account would be log out for no reason.. Sometimes I just finish reading and I went to home page and find out I was log out, sometimes there is a day when I come back to this website it's log out, and when I try to log in.. It's say my account doesn't exist.. What is happening?

    Uploading difficulties - Posted By sqeegy Jan 15, 2024

    92 1

    Ay ay can anyone give me a step by step tutorial on how to upload from admin.vymanga.net but write it like its for dummies? Pretty sure that won't work but it doesn't upload when I try to.

    HELP PLEASE - Posted By Mikuwu Jan 22, 2024

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    I'm looking for two straight mangas. The first one is about a girl who was raised by wolves and is found by a rich guy and he wants to make her a weapon. He takes her home and kills her wolf family. I think it the genre was chinese. The second drama I'm trying to find is a girl who was riding her bike to school one day and get hit by a car (i vaguely remember that happening). The butler comes out and apologizes but she makes a scene making the rich guy come out and argue with her. As she get to her high school she bumps into the same rich guy from before and again when she gets home because he has connections with her father. Her father runs a restaurant. I think they both had brown hair.

    Please stop disliking my comments, what have I done wrong. - Posted By CosmicIceTea Jan 24, 2024

    92 0

    I have no idea why why comments get up to 10 dislikes in less than one day. From what I remember, I have done nothing wrong to anyone on this site. I have not harassed anyone, gotten rude or angry, no spamming, and no unwanted content. If there has been a problem, I speak the truth and explain the situation properly. If you have something to say, just say it. Let's talk about what is wrong, instead of being a coward and hiding behind a thumbs down button. What did I post to get a dislike? What did I say to get a dislike? Did I offend you or anyone you know to get a dislike? Are you angry at me for something else? Yes, there is far to many trolls and trashy people on this site. I know that talking about something is what people do not want to do, since they just want to cause trouble instead. Yes, I know that this post will get attention in both good and bad, but that's what I want to talk about. Just asking for those people to stop, because I would like to engage with people happily and talk about anime and manga. I would like to share my recommendations, share ideas and suggestions, and more. Thank you for understanding.

    Searching for this BL - Posted By Lexi_xoxo Jan 25, 2024

    92 1

    Hello everyone! I have been searching for this BL for a month so I thought I'll post here. I don't know it's status but I think it was dropped. Story is set in a world where magic powers are common. Uke has magical lips and whoever he kisses gets good luck for the entire day. This is discovered by his father who always kissed him before going to work and performed great at his work. His parents are worried about his father so he doesn't reveal it to anyone. He starts studying in a school for people with magic powers and seme is his classmate. Uke makes excuses during the introduction part and doesn't reveal his real power. Seme just says that he wants his powers a secret. Sorry if this is hard to understand. English is my second language. Thank You.

    similar stories - Posted By Raxie Feb 25, 2024

    92 2

    Hi, I just finished reading "the third ending" for the 2nd time. and yesterday I just finished reading "sign" for the 4th time. do you guys know any stories that are similar to "the third ending" and "sign"?

    Changed their domain. - Posted By Raye315! Mar 27, 2024

    92 1

    You have to look up vymanga.org

    For anyone curious- - Posted By 아스트라 Mar 27, 2024

    92 1

    If anyone is curious, I tried making a new account on vymanga.org. No options to integrate my old bookmarks and collections. I'm boutta cry.

    Can’t sign in on vymanga.org - Posted By AnimeJ Mar 27, 2024

    92 1

    When I try to sign in it keeps freezing or says username is not recognised same with my email as well?

    Hassle in editing the aov link all the time - Posted By Fujoshi reader Mar 29, 2024

    92 0

    Vy-san kindly fix the site of aovheroes.. im already using vymanga.net but still i will be directed to aovheroes that have dead link and it's always a hassle to edit it to aov-news everytime especially when i have many bookmarked lists that have updated chaps

    I have a problem, and I don’t if it’s just me! - Posted By ILoveBigFatJuicyCocks Apr 03, 2024

    92 1

    The site is loading very slowly, it’s just me or not?

    App Update - Posted By Eurily Apr 04, 2024

    92 1

    The Vyvy app has been giving me notices that there's a new update but when I press to download it it just pulls up the vy homepage. Does anyone know where to get the update?

    Human verification - Posted By Wowosecondincommand Apr 07, 2024

    92 2

    I think y0u guys should remove the human verification because I've been trying to load a chapter for 20mins and it's still on the human verification please Im asking if you could fix it or remove it

    87798416483996 - Posted By Marvinpap Mar 10, 2023

    92 0

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    The manga was added to your collection!