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    Trying to find manga plz help ;-; - Posted By miarokie Sep 16, 2024

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    So it was about this tsundere wolf boy who was in this adventurer guild. The group(of four) was gonna go out drinking but the wolf boy skipped out, heading back to the inn early. The knight of the group left the pub early to check on him and found the wolf boy in his rut

    Trying to find obscure manwha - Posted By Blproblem Sep 14, 2024

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    I started reading it like last year but it wasn’t completed and was waiting on undates but i switched phones and forgot about it now i want to find it but i can’t remember the name and everytime i look up manwha about dream angel it comes up with your dream is delicious or strange dream which are good and all but thats not what i want lol. It was basically about like a dream guardians that get rewarded for doing a good job or whatever and the mc is like lowkey bad but he gets assigned to a new guy who has no dreams and is like worried he is now screwed also i think ML is like gonna die or something i can’t remember i just know it was so good. Its shounen ai if that helps sorry for the crappy description its all i got to work with someone please help this gonna annoy me now T-T

    Help finding this BL!! - Posted By lzlzpte Sep 17, 2024

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    Sorry I only have this reddit post for reference. Where's that image from? It's driving me crazy, I could swear I have read it but maybe iit's just my mind playing tricks on me. Thanks!! https://www.reddit.com/r/yaoi/comments/1f3cnwj/help_i_cant_find_where_this_is_from/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

    Recommendations - Posted By @.!* Sep 13, 2024

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    Does anyone recommend anything similar to Debut or Die?

    The " Is it worth the read " topic - Posted By Bunnyweiying Sep 16, 2024

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    I've been seeing ALOT of people asking if something is worth the read, in multiple comment sections in various stories on this website now. This isn't me bitching or complaining, but genuinely curious as to why not just read one chapter and then think about it from there? Cause people could be lying to you in saying that it is and it end up not being a good read. At the end of the day, the opinions of strangers does not really matter on whether you read something or not. It's better to just make that determine yourself instead of waiting for someone to tell you or give you the answer. Cause your wasting more time waiting then actually trying it out for your self.

    ranking in this site. - Posted By Caius's wife Sep 17, 2024

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    i just know that this site have ranks.am at squire...the higher rank?

    The manga was added to your collection!