Himegimi no Seizon Senryaku - Taikoku no Ikemen Ouji ga Damashitakuse ni Ai wo Kokuhaku shite kimasu , Himegimi no Seizon Senryaku , 公主的生存戰略 , 公主的生存戰略~大國的型男王子明明騙了我,我卻要對他示愛~ , 姫君の生存戦略~大国のイケメン王子が騙したくせに愛を告白してきます~
Followed by 203 people
Authors: Fujiwara Raika
Genres: Webtoons Shoujo Adventure Comedy Fantasy
Rating: 10/10 (4 votes)
One of the most popular novels in "Mahou-no-Airando" website now in vertical-scrolling comic! Elise, a princess of a small kingdom, Loubeshran, was known all over the continent for her cleverness and beauty. Many nobles and princes have asked her to marry him, but she never said yes. She just cares for peace and prosperity of her kingdom. Then one day, Klaus, a prince of a large empire, comes to see her. She knows what he is up to. He is asking Elise to release the dragon that is sealed in his land. Elise is the only one who would be able to read the old books to look for the spell...but she is almost sure that the prince is hiding something.
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