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    Temp solution to read updates - Posted By villainessforthewin Apr 06, 2024

    89 3

    Hi guys, noticed this wasn't just a me problem so here's a lil solution. You can read any of the comics you've already started reading by going into your history (slide your screen from right to left to show the tab) and clicking continue as that won't send you to aovheroes.com which is the problematic website. If you don't want to make sure it's the right website, click on continue for a few seconds and check that it's not sending you to aovheroes, aovnews seems to be working. I hope this works for you, tell me if it does :) PS: just in case you don't know, if you've already started reading a comic but it was a while ago, you can just open the comic's page (not a chapter just the page with the title and all the chapters and all) and that should bring it to the top of the list.

    Chapters not opening? - Posted By Dest Apr 06, 2024

    89 1

    It’s working now for anyone that was having problems earlier

    Oops! An Error Occurred - Posted By Night_at Apr 14, 2024

    89 1

    Am i the only one having a issue like this?? Everytime i got this issue, i need manually search for vymanga. net just to enter here The server returned a "405 Method Not Allowed". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

    82539861534686 - Posted By Marvinpap Mar 10, 2023

    89 0

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    anyone know this manga? (josei) - Posted By moonchxld Mar 15, 2023

    89 1

    there’s a manga i’m looking for but i can’t remember the title…can anyone help me? i think it’s josei if that helps~ basically the fl is really attractive and likes writing as a hobby, but people only like her for her looks, so she posts them in secret. the ml is super big and scary, and a lot of people think he’s creepy/scary, even the fl at first. He rescues fl from her ex, and asks if he can bring her somewhere. she thinks he’s going to hurt her, but he actually only wants to draw her bc he’s been admiring her and her writing for years. i remember there were only a couple chapters at the time, and i want to check if it’s updated but i can’t remember the name!! i can’t remember it’s name, and it wasn’t super popular so idk if people will know it, but if anyone might, please tell me <3

    The notifications for my bookmarks won't go away - Posted By @.!* Mar 22, 2023

    89 0

    I don't know if anyone else has a problem but I would go through my bookmarked stuff and read up but they keep reappearing and it won't go away no matter how many times I reload the page

    Help me find this manhwa - Posted By Gouin Mar 27, 2023

    89 1

    Ok so I can’t remember any characters hair eye color or anything but here the story. The MC is a professor or a teacher collage/high school I forgot and he is a huge fan for this idol/model. Then one day the idol/model come in the school for a movie and he (the MC) is a part of it (I think he was the love interest in the movie). While the our MC is failing more for the idol/model the only reason he doing do is for his crush that broke up with his boyfriend (can remember why) and when the idol/model found him he was calling with the MC and the big misunderstanding come in the idol/model think that by getting with the MC he well take revenge on his crush ex boyfriend (and possibly get with with his crush). I think that all I remember again if I randomly remember something new I well update it.

    Does anyone know if this is fixable? - Posted By Blip Apr 13, 2023

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    Every time I try to read a chapter, it fully zooms out and the options in the top right corner overlap each other. It doesn’t matter how many times I reload, it does it every time. I’ve had zoom out a lot before but i used to be able to fix it, even if it meant sometimes having to reload over ten times. Is this happening to anyone else? Is there anything I can do to fix it?

    aaaaa - Posted By I'm NOT gay Apr 14, 2023

    89 0

    So many bots

    looking for this comic - Posted By Ri Apr 19, 2023

    89 1

    I'm not sure if it is a manga manhua or manhwa. It a shonen ai and a love triangle. The Mc had to repeat a year in high school. And the 2 male lead are like one is a class president cool and kind and the other one just like MC's childhood friend toxic and crazy about him.there's a plot where Mc fell off the stairs.

    The website - Posted By Zyrough Apr 19, 2023

    89 0

    Does anybody know why? vyvy is really zoomed out for me.

    Recommendations - Posted By Nightmare before Apr 22, 2023

    89 0

    Any recommendations. Like Yaoi, Yuri and straight I'm so bored I need something

    People are so fucking annoying - Posted By I'm NOT gay May 05, 2023

    89 0

    Why the fuck do they have to mention the cat in the blender EVERYTIME they see a cat. They be like "i remember the cat blender.." BITCH I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK IF U REMEMBER IT. NONE OF US DO SO DONT REMIND US. JUST LET IT STAY IN UR FUCKED UP MIND. its so damn annoying

    No update issue - Posted By mightymicky May 06, 2023

    89 0

    Guys ......let's all calm down first, am also facing the same issue "no update" .am pretty sure Vy-san must be working on it.....let's all just hope for the best.

    HELP ME IVE SEARCHED THE HOLE INTERNET!!!!! - Posted By Snowy_swe May 21, 2023

    89 1

    i don't really rember everything,but i think it was these two childhood friends. One of them got sick and was like unresponsive. The other one then goes home to the friend and when he sees that he's sick, the friend tries to give him medicine but only has the one that gose in anul. But when he takes of the pants of the sick one he's like wiring women's panties. Then if i remember correctly they like stop taking but then they meeat in the future and everything turns out good.

    Happy Monday - Posted By nIkY. May 22, 2023

    89 0

    Happy Monday! We're almost there only 4 more days until Friday. I need a friend asap

    New layout - Posted By Pipoy May 23, 2023

    89 0

    WOOOOAAAH I LOVE THIS NEW LAYOUT. We also can choose the color but nah I prefer stay with this green layout instead

    my boyslove collection - Posted By piru May 24, 2023

    89 0


    Update Button - Posted By cin May 29, 2023

    89 0

    the update button after being cleared doesnt get cleared at all. whenever i have mangas i dont wanna read yet that was updated i clear them out of my update notifs. so kindly fix that. thank you!!

    Can't open a manhwa - Posted By zircon May 30, 2023

    89 0

    i cant open "Kill The Hero" in my bookmarks, or searching it, it says error, hope this gets fixed, idk if there are others out there that the same thing happened, but i can open other books cept this one

    The manga was added to your collection!